Laser-Induced Time-Resolved Photoacoustics in Solution
Cristiano Viappiani

Dipartimento di Fisica    and Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia 

Università di Parma   viale delle Scienze, 43100 Parma, Italia




1. Introduction to the technique
 1.1. The apparatus
A brief description of the components of the experimental apparatus is given, with an overview of the features required.  Links to some commercial components web pages are also provided.
 1.2. Phenomenological theory
Heuristic introduction to the theory behind the methodology.
 1.3. Data analysis
Some notes on the data analysis of photoacoustic signals.
 1.4 Determination of enthalpic and structural volume changes
Separation of enthalpic and volumetric contributions in the signals
2. Methods  
2.3 Determination of rate constants

2.4 Determination of quantum yields

2.5 Determination of energy levels

2.6 Determination of reaction volumes

3. Where to get advice

4. Some literature

5. Feedback

last updated July 15, 1998